Strategic partners

We collaborate with strategic partners to strengthen business opportunities.

We take care of every stage of the production process. With sustainability as a priority, we contribute to the development of our partners and ensure food quality, reliability and safety.

Network of suppliers: A key link in our value chain

We work in alliance with a wide variety of suppliers to carry out our operations and grow the business.

  • 1.450 suppliers

  • 98% purchases from local suppliers

  • 82 growers in our strategic network

  • 143 MM U$S in purchases

Our supplier base ranges from big multinational companies to small firms, which together form a network that is key to our business.

We select our suppliers in a responsible manner

We select our suppliers according to criteria related to the type, supply and criticality in terms of food safety and maintenance. We take into account the following guidelines:

  • We consider their experience in the provision of similar materials, supplies or services.

  • We analyze samples and check the background in other companies of the industry.

  • We assess the quality of their services taking into account the quality certifications and their certification bodies, conducting audits under the assessment standard of our Quality department.

  • We prioritize local suppliers within the operation areas in each country.

We conduct assessments to continue improving

Our Supplier Assessment Policy establishes an annual assessment by the Procurement and Quality Assurance staff, which includes the contributions of each supplier in terms of Sustainability.

We encourage respect for human rights and the commitment to transparency

We have developed a Supplier Code of Ethics in order to extend our values and share the work guidelines of San Miguel's culture.

We promote good practices and foster coordination

We have created a Network of Strategic Partner Producers to incorporate them into the export value chain. This makes it possible to jointly improve efficiencies and practices, increase export volumes and boost the business sustainability. There are different types of partnerships that, depending on the case, include technical advice (agricultural, packing, commercial), provision of genetic material and even, under certain modalities, financial aid (advance payments to expand fields or begin the production season).

We work together to reduce environmental impact

We have developed several reuse and recycling initiatives for our supplies and raw materials in our value chain that allow us to increase the logistic efficiency and reduce our footprint.

Responsible Value Chain: Highlights 2022

Strategic Producers

  • 38 strategic producers associated to our network

  • Over 83 thousand tons acquired

  • Over USD 4.3 million in purchases

GLOBAL G.A.P. and GRASP Certifications

  • 100% of the raw materials of our fresh fruit business are certified.

  • 90% of fruit suppliers for the industrial process are certified.

  • We are working on protocol follow-up so as toreflect such activity on the remaining 10%.

In 2022

  • We had the three operations in Argentina certified: Natural Ingredients, La Sofía and Caspinchango Farms.

  • We took the first step in its implementation in Uruguay.

  • Along with SAVIA’s progress and certification, we achieved operational improvements worth approximately USD2.5M.

Supplier Company Network

  • 763 suppliers

  • Over USD 50.14 million in purchases

All our products may be traced to the farm and batch where the fruit was produced.